Author Guideline

General Information:

Al-Mazaahib (Jurnal perbandingan Hukum) published twice per year, number (1) is published betwen January-June, and number (2) is published betwen July-December. Al-Mazaahib journal does not set a specific article theme per issue. It is intended that research with the most recent themes can be published immediately.

Article submitted must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Articles are the results of research, either in the form of library research (conceptual-doctrinal studies) or field research (empirical studies). The article must discuss the themes of legal thought or comparative legal studies such as Islamic Law, Philosophy of Islamic Law, customary law, and Positive Law.
  2. The article is the result of the research/original work of the author, not plagiarism. If the article is derived from an undergraduate thesis (skripsi), thesis, or dissertation research, the author must state it in the introduction.
  3. The article has not been published, processed in another journal, and/or is not being submitted to another journal.
  4. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.
  5. If the article is written in Indonesian, the abstract must be written in two languages, English-Indonesian. If it is written in English, then the abstract is only in English. Each abstract (English and/or Indonesian) part consists of 150-200 words, written in 1 paragraph, spaced 1.
  6. The length of the article is between 5000-10.000 words.
  7. Articles are written using Open Office in MS Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  8. Arabic script (Qur'anic verses, Hadith, or fiqh rules) is written in Latin letters using transliteration guidelines.
  9. Articles have, at a minimum, 20 references (80% are articles from journals), both in scientific journal articles and books. The references in scientific articles (journals) are the most recent references, at least the last five years.
  10. Writing footnotes and bibliography using the "Mendeley" application, with style: Chicago Manual of the Style 17th edition (full-note).



the title should reflect the content of the article, written briefly and attractively. the material object and formal object must be clearly stated in the title.



If the article is written in Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract should be written with two languages: English and Indonesia. Abstract is written in one paragraph, Italic-style, single-line spacing in approximately 200-250 words.

first, the purpose/main question or the background of problem/issue;

second, method or how the question is discussed in the article;

third, the findings;

fourth, research implication;

fifth, originality/novelty;



only conseptual words that shows the main idea of the article (at least 5 keywords)



The introduction must fulfill 4 elements
first, a statement of the significance of the object of research material. why the topic of the article must be researched. it can also be written with an academic gap, which basically means that the topic is very important to research.
second, a statement of the significance of the formal object of research. 
Third, literature review or academic debate related to the topic of study. the author must explain the extent to which previous research has discussed this topic.
fourth, novelty, which states the research void and will be the author's study. it can also be written with research objectives.



Research methods and/or theories and approaches that the author uses to discuss the issues in this study. The method in the introduction contains the type of research, time and place of research, research subjects, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques and other things related to research methods; In this sub-discussion, the author must also explain the limitations of the research, so that the discussion and analysis do not get out of the focus of the research theme. method is made brief in 1 paragraph



Research results contain research findings, novelty, scientific novelty, study implications and so on. Research results are not a research conclusion


Analysis and Discussion

In this sub-discussion, the author must present a discussion of various aspects/issues raised in the article by presenting related data. The author can emphasize the author's position on a matter or aspect, by building arguments and presenting original data to be compared with other researchers or scholars' research. In other words, the presentation of data and discussion in the first sub-discussion is not only an explanation derived from quotations alone, but a combination of author's arguments and data. sub-discussion of analysis and discussion can be made into several sub-sections



Please provide here your comments as a concluding statement. This can be the final conclusion of your discussion and analysis and your recommendations for future research projects/researchers. In this section you can also acknowledge the people and parties who made your research possible.