General Information:
Al-Mazaahib (Jurnal perbandingan Hukum) published twice per year, number (1) is published in June, and number (2) is published in December. Al-Mazaahib journal does not set a specific article theme per issue. It is intended that research with the most recent themes can be published immediately.
Article submitted must meet the following guidelines:
- Articles are the results of research, either in the form of library research (conceptual-doctrinal studies) or field research (empirical studies). The article must discuss the themes of legal thought or comparative legal studies such as Islamic Law, Philosophy of Islamic Law, customary law, and Positive Law.
- The article is the result of the research/original work of the author, not plagiarism. If the article is derived from an undergraduate thesis (skripsi), thesis, or dissertation research, the author must state it in the introduction.
- The article has not been published, processed in another journal, and/or is not being submitted to another journal.
- Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.
- If the article is written in Indonesian, the abstract must be written in two languages, English-Indonesian. If it is written in English, then the abstract is only in English. Each abstract (English and/or Indonesian) part consists of 150-200 words, written in 1 paragraph, spaced 1.
- The length of the article is between 5000-7000 words.
- Articles are written using Open Office in MS Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
- Arabic script (Qur'anic verses, Hadith, or fiqh rules) is written in Latin letters using transliteration guidelines.
- Articles have, at a minimum, 20 references (80% are articles from journals), both in scientific journal articles and books. The references in scientific articles (journals) are the most recent references, at least the last five years.
- Writing footnotes and bibliography using the "Mendeley" application, with style: Chicago Manual of the Style 17th edition (full-note).