Focus and Scope

EDULAB Journal focuses its scope on the issues of Instructional Technology. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers, as well as professionals in the field of Instructional Technology to publish their researches in our Journal. The journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research covering all aspects of Instructional Technology.

  • Design for determining learning conditions, including the design of learning systems, message design, learning strategies, and student characteristics.
  • Development of translating design specifications in physical form. Covers a wide variety of technologies, such as printing technology, audio-video technology, computer-based, and digital or non-digital based.
  • Utilization activities using resources for learning. Covers media use, diffusion of innovation, implementation and institutionalization, policies, and regulations.
  • Management, Include management through planning, organizing, coordinating, and supervising.
  • Evaluation of enabling or not learning and learning. Covers: Psikometri, testing, and measurement.