Reinterpretation of the Term Al-Nas (QS. Al-Hujurat 13) in Relation to the Social Aspects of Human and Homo Sapiens
QS. Al-Hujurat 13, Al-Nas, Homo Sapien, Human, and Method of Tafsir Maqashidi.Abstract
The interpretation of QS. Al-Hujurat 13 revolves as the creation of human which refers to Adam and Eve. In fact, human terminology in contemporary discourse refers to the definition of human as a homo sapien. Homo sapien refers to humans not only as biological but also social. By using the method of Tafsir Maqashidi, this article develops an understanding of Tafseer. Here, the Tafsir Maqashidi will be used as a method of reinterpreting the term al-Nas in QS. Al-Hujurat 13. The results of this article indicate that QS. Al-Hujurat 13 does not refer to Adam and Hawa, but it discusses the creation of humans that previously had other parties. The other party here starts from God, parents, family, society, living and dead beings, and the universe. Apart from that, this article also shows that the social aspect of the verse includes not only fellow Muslims, fellow humans, but also all God's creatures. These two understandings explain the similarities of Al-Nas and homo sapien in the context of humans as one of the species of living things on this earth. From here, humans are required to hifdzh Al-Aql, hifdzh Al-Din, hifdz Al-Nashl, hifdzl Al-Mal, hifdzh Al-Nafs, hifdzh Al-Bi'ah and hifdzh Al-Daulah as maqashidi QS. Al-Hujurat 13 which can be widely felt in human life.

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