Manhaj Ibn ‘Aṭiyyah fī al-Taʻāmul ma’a al-Isrā’īliyyāt fī al-Muḥarrar al-Wajīz


  • Subi Nur Isnaini Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



methods, Ibn Atiyya, Israiliyyat, tafsir, al-Muharrar al-Wajiz


This article aims to explain Ibn Atiyya’s method to revealing Israiliyyat stories in his interpretation of al-Muharrar al-Wajiz. This research is an attempt to see how far Ibn Atiyya’s consistency is in applying the general method he has described in the preliminary of his tafsir when interacting with Israiliyyat stories. Apart from that, this research also seeks to explore Ibn Atiyya’s detailed method when presenting the Israiliyyat narrations in its interpretation and expose the practical examples as the application of the method. Using the analytical descriptive method, this study finds that Ibn Atiyya is quite consistent in applying the general method he has described in the preliminary of his tafsir by mentioning important Israiliyyat stories that can’t be separated from the explanation of the meaning of the verse. In contrast to the previous commentators who mentioned the Israiliyyat narrations in length and width, Ibn Atiyya described Israiliyyat reports briefly and criticized the narrations that had no basis or arguments sahih that could be justified. In addition, this study also found that Ibn Atiyya was careful in taking Israiliyyat stories and trying to free the tafsir from the Israiliyyat stories which was not based on the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad. Ibn Atiyyah also calls for reducing the stories of Israiliyyat in the tafsir literature and sometimes also adding comments and criticisms to the narrations of Israiliyyat that he mentions.

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How to Cite

Isnaini, S. N. (2022). Manhaj Ibn ‘Aṭiyyah fī al-Taʻāmul ma’a al-Isrā’īliyyāt fī al-Muḥarrar al-Wajīz. Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Hadis, 23(2), 261–284.


