Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023)
Dynamic and Challenges of Women Leaders: Gender Equality Agenda vs Gender Traditional Roles In Society
Abstract Viewed = 346 times |
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The Teachers Perceptions on Misogynistic Hadiths: The Interpretations and It's Implications for Teaching Gender Equality
Abstract Viewed = 184 times |
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Menyoal Ketimpangan Relasi Kuasa dan Upaya Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual di Pesantren: Sebuah Tinjauan Kritis
Abstract Viewed = 616 times |
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Reinterpretasi Poligami Dalam Diskursus Islam: Studi Komparasi Pemikiran Siti Musdah Mulia dan Asghar Ali Engineer
Abstract Viewed = 238 times |
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Pandangan Islam Terhadap Konsep "Gender Equality" SDGs. Studi Kasus: Sertifikat EGES " Egyptian Gender Equity Seal" Di Mesir
Abstract Viewed = 435 times |
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Konstruksi Kesalehan, Posisi dan Agensi Perempuan dalam Wacana Keagamaan
Abstract Viewed = 395 times |
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The Incapability to Establish a Household as a Consequence of Child Marriage
Abstract Viewed = 128 times |
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Kesalahpahaman Barat tentang Perempuan Muslim: Kritik Lila Abu- Lughod dalam Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
Abstract Viewed = 275 times |
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