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Peer Review Process
Research articles submitted to this journal will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. All research articles are reviewed by at least two qualified experts. Reviewers provide valuable scholarly comments to improve the content of the manuscript.
Double-Blind Peer Review
In the review process, the authors and reviewers do not know each other.
Policy of Reviewers:
- To provide comments and corrections to the manuscript
- To make a summary of the complete assessment sheet
- To provide clear suggestions or advice to the editor
- If the reviewer recommends "acceptance" by the revision, describe clearly how the revisions should be made
- If the reviewer recommends "reject" it must provide alternative journals or suggestion, so the prospect of "resubmission" or "submission" elsewhere will become possible
Several Parameters for Evaluating Manuscript:
- Are the data and information on the manuscript new and original?
- Does the manuscript contribute significantly to advancing science?
- Has a similar material been published elsewhere?
- Is the substance of the manuscript more suitable in other journals?
- Is the reference current or up to date and completely mentioned in the manuscript?
- Methods part of the manuscript aligned with the aim of the research?
- The author presents the manuscript clearly and easy to read.
- Are there any errors of fact and calculations?
- Are tables on the manuscript present data clearly and concisely?
- Are all necessary illustrations needed on the manuscript?
- Is the abstract written concisely?
- Can the title of the manuscript represent the content of the manuscript?
- Is the grammar and spelling on the manuscript meet the standards?