Kejujuran sebagai Kearifan Lokal di SMKN 1 Wonosari

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Thoriq Nurmadiansyah


This article discusses the development of local wisdom SMKN 1 Wonosari.  Local Wisdom are closely related to honesty was initiated in order to strengthen the nation's character. The study was conducted in the cafeteria honesty SMKN 1 Wonosari. "Canteen" honesty is honesty canteen canteen that still exists among the other folded. Existence to be an example for other schools, in addition to the creation of a culture of honesty also cleanliness can not be denied, and more importantly the quality of the food is guaranteed. Unequaled achievement is "Cafeteria Honesty" is able to create a culture of self-awareness and honesty without having watched someone else.

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How to Cite
Nurmadiansyah, Thoriq. “Kejujuran Sebagai Kearifan Lokal Di SMKN 1 Wonosari”. ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin 13, no. 2 (July 22, 2012): 305–318. Accessed March 10, 2025.


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Wawancara dengan Abdul Rochim, Kepala sekolah SMKN 1 Wonosari tangal 18 April 2011.