Mashrū’ Taf’īl al-Khiṭāb al-Salafī Fī al-Majāl al-Balāghī: Min Naqd al-Adlajah Ilā al-Naqd al-Mu`adlaj [The Project of Salafi Discourse Activism in Rhetorical Context: From Critics of Ideologization into Ideological Criticism]

Main Article Content

Ahmad Muhdhor
Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin
M. Amin Abdullah


The rhetorical project of Muhammad al-Ṣāmil, which called Balāghat Ahl al-Sunnah comes in the field of purifying Islamic knowledge from extraneous impurities and deviations. We discuss the foundations of this project and its cognitive practices as a discourse that can be analyzed according to approaches to discourse analysis, especially Foucault and Fairclough approaches, to arrive at a critical evaluation of the issue and its consequences. In the end, we reached the following results: First, the project is merely a transfer of “subjectivity” from the subjectivity of the theologians (mutakallimīn) to the subjectivity of those who reject the theological thought (‘ilm al-kalām); Secondly, the project is, in fact, a rhetorical practice through which authoritarian practices are carried out to exclude others and deconstruct their authority. Third, the support of the official educational institution for the project suggests ideological support as a policy by the state institution that funds it, and this means directing the knowledge path in a politically and ideologically biased direction. In sum, it is said that the project started with an ideology critique and ended with ideologized critique.

Article Details

How to Cite
Muhdhor, Ahmad, Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin, and M. Amin Abdullah. “Mashrū’ Taf’īl Al-Khiṭāb Al-Salafī Fī Al-Majāl Al-Balāghī: Min Naqd Al-Adlajah Ilā Al-Naqd Al-Mu`adlaj: [The Project of Salafi Discourse Activism in Rhetorical Context: From Critics of Ideologization into Ideological Criticism]”. ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin 23, no. 2 (April 12, 2023): 193–205. Accessed March 10, 2025.
Author Biographies

Ahmad Muhdhor, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

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Subject Areas: Arabic rhetorics; Arabic literature; Islamic studies

Mohammad Yunus Masrukhin, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Scopus id: 57287406100

Subject Areas: Islamic Theology; Sufism; Mysticism; Sociology of Religion.

M. Amin Abdullah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Scopus id: 57190064401

Subject Areas: Islamic Philosophy; Islamic Studies; Comparative Religions.


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