Gen Z's Religiosity Level: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and the United Kingdom

Published: on JPAI: Dec 31, 2024
Devi Pramitha
Asep Ubaidillah
Md Mahmud Bin Sayeed
Pages: 307-318


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Purpose – This study aims to measure the religiosity levels of young Muslims in Indonesia and the United Kingdom and compare the characteristics of religiosity in the two countries. Furthermore, it analyzes whether the level of religious literacy contributes to the observed differences in religiosity.

Design/method/approach – This study is quantitative research utilizing a survey approach. The research subjects were young Muslims in Indonesia and the United Kingdom, selected through purposive sampling methods. The data collection instruments consisted of a questionnaire adapted from the five approaches developed by Yusuf (2021) to measure the level of religious literacy, as well as the Centrality of Religious Scale (CRS) developed by Huber and Huber (2012). The collected data were then analyzed using EViewsⓇ version 16 software to perform regression analysis, namely to identify the relationship between religious literacy and religiosity.

Findings – The results indicate that the religiosity level among Gen Z Muslims in Indonesia is higher (83%) than that of their counterparts in the United Kingdom (79%). This difference is primarily influenced by cultural and educational contexts, where Indonesian Gen Z tend to have higher religious literacy through religion-related courses, whereas the UK Gen Z shows significant religiosity levels through community engagement and willingness to learn as a minority. However, regression analysis reveals an R-squared of 20-21% in both countries, suggesting that religious literacy does not significantly impact their religiosity level.

Research implications/limitations – The findings of the study indicate that religious literacy does not have a significant influence on the level of religiosity of Gen Z Muslims in Indonesia and the United Kingdom. Consequently, it is suggested that increasing religiosity should focus on other aspects, including faith-based education, community engagement, and the cultural context.


Gen Z Indonesia Religious Literacy Religy United Kingdom


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