Exploring Student-Centered Learning as a Tool to Prevent Radicalization in Islamic Junior Schools: A Case Study of Indonesia and Bangladesh

Published: on JPAI: Dec 31, 2024
Sekar Ayu Aryani
Erham Budi Wiranto
Ahmad Asroni
Siti Fauziah
Muhamad Yusup
Pages: 329-345


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Purpose – The peace and stability of society are seriously threatened by youth radicalization, particularly in educational environments. This study examines how critical thinking, inclusion, and active student involvement in Student-Centered Learning (SCL) can prevent radicalization in Islamic junior schools in Indonesia and Bangladesh. Through problem-solving and open communication, SCL exposes students to a variety of viewpoints and fosters critical thinking, which lessens their vulnerability to extremist beliefs.

Design/methods/approach – Employing qualitative techniques, such as teacher and student interviews, the research delves into the distinct implementation obstacles of SCL in each nation.

Findings – Results show that although SCL promotes respect for one another and critical thinking, its efficacy is limited by a systemic dependence on conventional techniques, a lack of resources, and inadequate teacher preparation. 

Research implications/limitations – The study emphasizes how important it is to have resources, support at the policy level, and professional development in order to adequately utilize SCL as a deterrent to radicalization. For educational policymakers and groups seeking to establish safe and welcoming learning environments in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and other comparable countries, these findings provide insightful information.


Student-Centered Learning SCL Radicalization Prevention Islamic Junior Schools Indonesia Bangladesh


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List of Indonesian Interviewee: Rusmanto (Teacher/ headmaster), Pur (teacher), Arwan (teacher), Azhar (teacher), Galuh (Student), Ilma (Student), Nugroho (Student), Zahra (Student), Nafila (Student)





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