Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Agama dan Negara Konstruksi Agama sebagai Fenomena Marginalisasi Kepercayaan Lokal Minahasa Sulawesi Utara
Abstract Viewed = 338 times |
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Elaborating Conflict in Maluku Based on Dialogical Liberative Perspective
Abstract Viewed = 316 times |
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Pergeseran Nilai Budaya Matrilineal pada Perempuan Lanjut Usia di Minangkabau Studi pada 2 Panti Sosial Werdha di Sumatera Barat
Abstract Viewed = 385 times |
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Tradisi Rabu Wekasan dalam Persepsi Milenial Studi pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNNES
Abstract Viewed = 477 times |
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The Practice of Social Support and Self-Adjustment Minangkabau Students in Yogyakarta
Abstract Viewed = 196 times |
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على نتائج تعلم مهارة القراءة طالبات فصل التاسع بالمدرسة الثانوية فمولانجان يوكياكرتا العام الدراسي 2022/2023 (Learning Cycle 5E)E فعالية نموذج التعليم "دورة التعلم الخماسية
Abstract Viewed = 272 times |
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Pesan Dakwah dalam Musik Reggae Analisis Musik Islami Alpha Blondy
Abstract Viewed = 327 times |
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The Problems, Potentials, and Resources of Disadventages Areas: Case Study Suranadi Village - Narmada, Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Abstract Viewed = 74 times |
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