Pengembangan Paradigma Integrasi Ilmu: Harmonisasi Islam dan Sains dalam Pendidikan

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Fahri Hidayat
Fahri Hidayat


Secularism that separates religion from mundane aspects, including science and
knowledge, that appeared and applied in the West turned out to present themselves as
a different face when applied in the Islamic world. In the West, secularism became a
reason for science breeding. Meanwhile, in the Islamic world, secularism actually trigger
the birth of science dichotomy that led to the neglect of science. In turn, the practice
of science dichotomy is precisely the cause of the deterioration of Islamic civilization.
Muslim community has a different cultural history with the West. Historically, Islam
became the main driver of progress of science in the golden age. This is different with
Western history that marred by tensions between science and religion. Therefore, Islamic
education should be developed in accordance with its integrative and nondichotomous
culture. Therefore, religion and science in Islam is a unity. Epistemology of Islamic
education is built by making sciences as part of its supporting pillars.


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How to Cite
Hidayat, F., & Hidayat, F. . (2015). Pengembangan Paradigma Integrasi Ilmu: Harmonisasi Islam dan Sains dalam Pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(2), 299–318.


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