Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Religious and Cultural Integration in the Baayun Mulud Tradition of the Banjar Tribe
Abstract Viewed = 153 times | pdf downloaded = 136 times -
Makan dan Makanan dalam Yahudi dan Islam Mempertemukan Kashrut dan Halal-Haram
Abstract Viewed = 258 times | pdf downloaded = 258 times -
Al-Insaniyyah dan Al-Adyan: Wacana Persaudaraan dalam Dokumen Watsiqoh ‘an Al-Ukhuwah Al-Insaniyyah min Ajli Al-Salam Al-‘Alami wa Al-‘Aisy Ma’an
Abstract Viewed = 105 times | pdf downloaded = 98 times -
Reviving Islamic Education: Ibn Khaldun's Influence on Contemporary Education
Abstract Viewed = 184 times | pdf downloaded = 73 times -
Transforming Da'wah into Interreligious Engagement Examining the Eco-Bhinneka Muhammadiyah Initiative
Abstract Viewed = 179 times | pdf downloaded = 129 times -
Komunikasi Artifaktual sebagai Media Dakwah Studi Club Motor Bikers Subuhan Lampung Melawan Stigma Negatif Geng Motor
Abstract Viewed = 121 times | pdf downloaded = 109 times -
From Conflict to Solidarity Revisiting Muslim-Christian Relation after 171 Tragedy in Mataram
Abstract Viewed = 134 times | pdf downloaded = 71 times