Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)
Indigenous-based Resistance: Rethinking the Barambang Katute Indigenous Community's Agrarian Conflict with the Government Through the Indigenous Religion Paradigm
Abstract Viewed = 134 times |
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Kopi dalam Aktivitas Religi Masyarakat Hindu di Bali
Abstract Viewed = 109 times |
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Strategi Organisasi Mahasiswa Islam dalam Membangun Budaya Muslim yang Cinta Al-Qur’an
Abstract Viewed = 246 times |
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Perbedaan dalam Kebersamaan: Pembacaan Doa Pasca Meninggal Lintas Iman di Desa Cisantana Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat
Abstract Viewed = 126 times |
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Toleransi Beragama: Analisis Wacana Kritis Fairclough Pada Program LOGIN Episode 30 Season 2
Abstract Viewed = 228 times |
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Gender Equality Representation in the Movie Avatar the Last Airbender
Abstract Viewed = 185 times |
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Tradisi Batimung dalam Tinjauan Sosiologi Hukum Islam: Studi di desa Pematang Limau, Seruyan Hilir, kabupaten Seruyan
Abstract Viewed = 76 times |
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Interpreting Meditation as an Interreligious Occasion: an Interrituality Approach
Abstract Viewed = 37 times |
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