Mendamaikan Sains dan Agama: Mempertimbangkan Teori Harun Nasution

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Wedra Aprison
Wedra Aprison


The development of science in the Islamic universities requires strong philosophical,
ontological, epistemological, and axiological base. The formulation of epistemology
can not be negotiable. From the thought of Harun Nasution, it can be said that “the
source of religion is revelation and the source of knowledge is God’s natural law called
the sunatullah”. Both come from one source, namely Allah. So between the revelation
and sunatullah can not be put into contradiction. Ayat al-kawniyah in the Quran has
encouraged the classic Islamic scholars to study and observe the natural surroundings.
The implication of this theory is that any special methodology is not needed to develop
the current science. Furthermore Harun said, “because Islam is a religion and culture,
and the culture is more than religion, a different research method may not necessary than
the commonly used.”


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How to Cite
Aprison, W., & Aprison, W. . (2015). Mendamaikan Sains dan Agama: Mempertimbangkan Teori Harun Nasution. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(2), 241–259.


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