Bridging Al-Dunya Wa Al-Diin: A Case Study on Prophetic-Integrative Education on Madrasah-Based Pesantren
Main Article Content
Purpose – This study aims to analyze the practice of integrating education in Islamic boarding schools based on the perspective of prophetic education.
Design/methods/approach – This study used a case study design and was conducted in Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah Modern Boarding School (PM) Al-Islam. Data were collected using interview observations and documentation and then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman interactive model.
Findings – This study’s findings show that the spirit and practice of education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah Al-Islam align with prophetic values by prioritizing transcendent spirituality with critical humanist principles framed in the form of institutional integration and content.
Research implications/limitations – This study strengthens and complements previous research findings on integrating Islamic scholarship in Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. However, it is also important to continue conducting similar research with a broader scope to strengthen related research findings.
Practical implications – The findings of this study can be a bridge to close the dichotomous gap and balance the gap in educational orientation to achieve educational goals between religious and pragmatic educational goals.
Article Details
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