Rekonseptualisasi Model Citizen Lawsuit dan Pengoptimalan Society 5.0 Sebagai Upaya Reformasi Penegakan Hukum Acara Perdata di Indonesia
Society 5.0 Era, Citizen Lawsuit Reconceptualization, Civil Procedure Law Enforcement Reform, Petition System, Notification Stage.Abstract
Abstract: The presence of the citizen lawsuit model in civil procedural law enforcement is one example that the law is dynamic following the development of human direction and mindset. Citizen lawsuit is defined as a model lawsuit that was born and known in a country with a common law legal system where citizens on behalf of the public interest are given space to file a lawsuit against unlawful acts committed by state administrators. However, countries that adopt the civil law legal system also implement it, such as the Netherlands which is known as actio popularis and Indonesia. The problem is, the implementation of this lawsuit model has not been regulated at all by national law, causing the practice of citizen lawsuits that have not been uniform, but have a disparity pattern (not uniform). In this paper, the author reconceptualizes the citizen lawsuit model as an effort to create integrated and systematic civil procedural law enforcement. The reconceptualization of the citizen lawsuit model consists of 4 (four) stages, namely the petition system stage, the notification stage, the administrative stage, and the judicial stage.
Abstrak: Kehadiran model citizen lawsuit dalam penegakan hukum acara perdata merupakan salah satu contoh bahwasannya hukum bersifat dinamis mengikuti perkembangan arah serta pola pikir manusia. Citizen lawsuit didefinisikan sebagai suatu model gugatan yang lahir dan dikenal dalam negara dengan sistem hukum common law dimana warga negara atas nama kepentingan umum diberi ruang untuk mengajukan gugatan terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara negara. Namun, negara-negara yang menganut sistem hukum civil law pun turut melaksanakannya, seperti Belanda yang dikenal dengan istilah actio popularis dan Indonesia. Permasalahannya, pelaksanaan model gugatan ini belum diatur sama sekali oleh hukum nasional sehingga menimbulkan praktik citizen lawsuit yang belum bercorak uniformitas (seragam), melainkan bercorak disparitas (tidak seragam). Dalam tulisan ini, Penulis merekonseptualisasikan model citizen lawsuit sebagai upaya menciptakan penegakan hukum acara perdata yang terintegrasi dan sistematis. Rekonseptualisasi model citizen lawsuit terdiri atas 4 (empat) tahapan, yaitu tahap sistem petisi, tahap notifikasi, tahap administrasi, dan tahap yudisial.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rayhan Thoha Ridlo, Muhammad Daffa Alfandy, Azaria Rahmadianingrum

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