Published: 27-07-2016

open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

Cultivating Cultural Education Values of Islam Nusantara in MA (Islamic Senior High School) Ali Maksum Krapyak

Sembodo Ardi Widodo, Sembodo Ardi Widodo

Pages 1-20

Views: 440 | Downloads: 413
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

The Dynamics of Islamic Calligraphy Teaching and Learning in South Sulawesi

Abd. Aziz Ahmad, Abd. Aziz Ahmad

Pages 21-42

Views: 384 | Downloads: 534
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

Tracing the History of the Arabic-Javanese Language Translation Books in Nusantara Islamic Education

Abdul Munip, Abdul Munip

Pages 43-67

Views: 617 | Downloads: 594
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

Islam Nusantara as Moderatand Tolerant Islam: a Literature Research

Zuly Qodir, Zuly Qodir

Pages 69-84

Views: 600 | Downloads: 384
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

THE ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL VALUES IN THE PUPPETRY (Study on the story of Cungkring Takon Suwarga by Dalang Amudy Nata Prawa Cirebon West Jawa)

Nurul Huda SA, Lili Faridah, Nurul Huda SA, Lili Faridah

Pages 101-118

Views: 266 | Downloads: 363
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

INDIGENIZATION OF ISLAMIC NUSANTARA EDUCATION (Case Study on the Nahdlatul 'Ulama Regional Representative Council of West Java)

Nadri Taja, Nadri Taja

Pages 119-132

Views: 316 | Downloads: 489
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

Islamic Education in the Perspective of Islam Nusantara

Sangkot Sirait, Sangkot Sirait

Pages 133-148

Views: 1177 | Downloads: 623
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

The Discourse of Islamic Education Development Based on Islam Nusantara Concept in IAIN Salatiga

Nur Sahed, Musari Musari, Nur Saheed, Musari

Pages 149-170

Views: 344 | Downloads: 397
open access Open Access
Research article
First published January 1, 2016

ISLAMIC EDUCATION FOR COMMUNITY OF COASTAL SOUTH JAVA (a Case Study of Coastal South Regency in Purworejo, Central Java)

Akhmad Kasinu, Sulis Rokhmawanto, Akhmad Kasinu, Sulis Rokhmawanto

Pages 171-191

Views: 286 | Downloads: 283
open access Open Access
Research article
First published June 1, 2016

Islamic Education and Multiple Intelligences Implementation in Traditional Game of Sluku-Sluku Bathok at Komunitas Pojok Budaya, Bantul of Yogyakarta

Khafidlo Fahri Inayati, Ahmad Sihabul Millah, Khafidlo Fahri Inayati, Ahmad Sihabul Millah

Pages 193-121

Views: 262 | Downloads: 336